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First off, the yucca is not a cactus. It is more closely related to the lily than a cactus. If you live in a desert climate, once it has become established it should survive with little watering. If your area has received little rainfall you may give it a good watering a couple times per month. Be careful, however, to not over water and water very little in winter or the plant may be killed by root rot.

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Q: How often to water yucca cactus growing outdoors?
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Related questions

Why does a cactus planted in the ground outdoors would need more water than a cactus in a pot inside?

Because a cactus outside in the ground doesn't get all the water you give it, some will get absorbed by other plants.

Why does a cactus planted in the ground outdoors will need more water than a cactus in a pot inside?

inside the weather conditions are more controlled than outside. the cactus usually get larger outside

How often do you water a rose cactus?

Watch the national weather report. When it rains in Tuscon, Arizona, then water your cactus.

How often should you water a balloon cactus?

once a week

What is cactus water?

It's water from a cactus! The cactus has collected that water!x

My cactus has red spines?

That's mean that your cactus is growing well and very naturally . So don't scare , that's normal for all cactuses . You should give your cactus a little much water when it's overgrowing : when the cactus have red spines ! I hope i helped you !

What is a very tall cactus that can store water inside there stem?

Water, dissolved nutrients, and byproductsof photosynthesis are stored in the cactus stem. The water and the dissolved nutrients are sent up into the stem from the cactus plant's roots. They're held in the stem until they can be used in the photosynthetic interaction with sunlight. From that interaction are made the energizing carbohydrates, starches and sugars that the cactus needs for such activities as flowering, fruiting, growing, reproducing, and responding to stresses and stressors.

What time of year should you plant a cactus?

Summer due to amount of water evaporated by the cactus.

What is the proper way to water a flowering cactus?

Treat cactus like any other plant. During the growing season water and feed as required. During the dormant season ease off the water and watch for signs of growth and start all over again.

What is the diet of the cactus wren?

cactus and cactus water

What plant is the most important in the oasis?

The cactus is the plant most often linked to the desert. Cactus thrive in the hot environment with limited water, they are often how animals get water.

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Vitrified tiles are often used outdoors due to their water and frost resistance.