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As it gets older, its stripes fall off and it will turn completely brown. and grow a mane and move to Africa to live with the other lions in the Savannah.

Just kidding. I have no idea. :)

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Q: How does a white tiger change as it grows?
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How long does the white tiger tail grows?

Well, since the white tiger is only a change in the color gene of Bengal tigers, it grows the same size, which is typically 3 to 4 feet long.

Does the color of a white tiger change during the seasons?


Can i declaw my white tiger?

1... Why do you 'own' a white tiger?2... De-anything a wild animal and you damage it irreparably. You change it's nature.

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What do you call a white tiger?

a white tiger

How is the White tiger different from the normal tiger?

They aren't different the White Bengal Tiger is just white and the Bengal Tiger is orange.

What eats the white tiger?

A white tiger is a teritory consumer so no animal eats white tiger.

What do white tiger ears?

What do white tiger ears... what?

Does a fawn changes color?

When it grows older it looses its white spots. But it doesnt change colour

Who wrote the white tiger?

'The White Tiger' was written by Aravind Adiga and 'White tiger' was written by Rohini Chowdurry.

Can a white tiger and a orange tiger have a white tiger?

Well it is possible but usually they don't have it

How would you describe a white tiger?

a white tiger is white with black stripes