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Encouraging air and water pore space construction, facilitating water infiltration and percolation, improving structure and texture, increasing fertility, preventing water-logging and releasing soil food web-friendly nutrients are ways that compost makes a good conditioner for soil. Compost is dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter whose moisture content is similar to that of a gently squeezed sponge. It serves as a soil amendment, conditioner, fertilizer and mulch (by which it suppresses weeds).

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Q: How does compost make a good conditioner for soil?
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How do you make good quality soil?

The best soil is compost

How do gardners treat soil?

by the use of animal muck or compost it acts as a conditioner for the soil or you may have to plough it up to let the air back in

Is soil and compost similar or the same?

They are "similar" - kind of part and parcel of one another - but they are not the same. Soil is a mixture of varying proportions of sand, silt, clay and organic matter. Compost is fully broken down organic matter - the "black gold" of good soil. The very best soil for growing will have a high percentage of compost, or "humus". Hence, compost by itself is a very important part of good soil. But compost by itself is not "soil".

How does compost make a difference?

Compost increases the nutrients level in the soil causing plants to grow better. It's as good as manure and fertilizer. -Super Llama

How does earthworm make the soil fertile?

The worms do make holes but it is to but oxygen in to decompose the soil and therefore making compost, they also drag leafs into the compost to eat and to make more soil well theirs your answer :).

Why is general purpose compost good for plants?

It improve the soil. Compost will also increase the number and the activity of good organisms. it also helps with the PH level of the soil.

What foods are good for compost and why?

The foods that are good for compost are usually things that can decompose in soil with worms such as banana peels. This is because the worms in your compost have to be able to decompose the things you put in the compost.

How do you make home made soil?

compost garbage

What do rollie polies eat?

They eat compost and soil because compost is soil and soil is compost.

What is good to compost into soil?

The compost is nutritious and gives important minerals and natural fertilizer to the soil. It enriches the soil and helps plants grow better than without compost. Also it's organic unlike fertilizers. -Super Llama

What is fill dirt.Can it be mixed with compost to make good garden soil?

No. - Fill dirt is usually junk, often from demolition.

How do red wigglers make compost what can you do with the compost?

Earthworms eat soil- as it passes through their body, they digest bits of food, and excrete the rest of the soil, with their waste products. The compost is excellent for any plants. Mix it with the soil around the plants.