

How does magnamon digivolve?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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14y ago

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Vemon and Davis were trying to defeat Wormmon and his partner who were destroying the Digi-World. When they were searching for them Davis came across the Digi-Egg of miracles and that's the story.

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Q: How does magnamon digivolve?
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If you mean magnamon, go to your digimon pc, select digivolve/degenerate, select armor digivolve, and use the digiegg of miracles of veemon

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How do you make magnamon?

If you're playing Digimon World Dawn, then you raise your Veemon's level to 40 and armor digivolve with the digi egg of miracles. If you mean real life.. good luck.

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Veemon/Vmon at level or over and 10000 or more holy expierience (got by defeating holy type digimon) you must have the miracle DE.go to tamer home and digilab PC go into the special digivolve menu and press a on veemon go into armor digivolve and you will get a magnamon

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reptiledramon cant digivolve. it does not digivolve

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Why didn't veemon digivolve to magnamon in the last episode of digimon adventure02?

My guess is that it takes a lot of energy for veemon to armor digiviolve into him. Maybe it dissapeared. But I also thought he would because kari said "only a miracle" can help so I thought digiegg of mircles. Also malomyotismon stopped it from happening.

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Digivolve Megadramon or DNA Digivolve MameTyramon and MetalGreymon

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It matters about the digimon, if you pass time it might digivolve to another digimon while some of them digivolve to another digimon if you have like 3 or more battles to make it digivolve. for an example: Greymon will digivolve to MetalGreymon with at least 10 battles, or he'll digivolve to MetalGreymon(Virus) if he has 30 Vaccine AP or he'll digivolve to SkullGreymon if you pass time. understand?