

How does or solar system fit in the milky way galaxy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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the solar system

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Q: How does or solar system fit in the milky way galaxy?
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How many times will the solar system fit into the galaxy?

Billions of times

How many solar systems fit into the Milky Way galaxy?

A "solar system" is what we call a star and everything gravitationally bound to that star. Estimates of the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy range from 100 billion to 400 billion, and it's thought that the formation of planets is a rather common occurrence during the formation of stars. So there is definitely enough room for 400 billion solar systems in the galaxy, and it's likely that nearly that many actually exist. And that's just in this one galaxy.

How does the earth sun and moon fit into the whole solar system galaxy and the universe?

The natural satellite called Luna or Moon orbits the Earth, a planet in the Solar (Sol is the name of our star) system.The 8 planets with their moons, and planetesimals and asteroids and comets in the Solar system orbit the Sun.The Sun is just a regular old star out near the edge of our spiral galaxy, the Milky Way. There are billions of other stars and many black holes in the galaxy, too.The Milky Way is part of a local cluster with several much smaller galaxies that seem to be attaching themselves to the Milky Way.The Milky Way is just an average spiral galaxy, one of billions upon billions of different shaped galaxies that all seem to be moving away from each other within our Universe.The Universe is most likely part of a larger multiverse, or multiple universes.

How many earths can fit into the milky way galaxy?

I don't really like milky ways. Reese's cups are better.

What happens when Chuck Norris gets into a fit?

The Sun implodes, wiping out the Milky Way Galaxy.

Are all galaxies the same in your solar system?

A galaxy is a collection of billions of stars. A solar, or star, system is collection of stars which orbit each other and the centre of a galaxy. As you can see by putting these two definitions next to each other, it is simply not possible to have a galaxy within a solar system as your question implies. Think of it as trying to fit a basket ball into a ping pong ball, or more appropriately a basket ball into an atom.

How many earths can fit into the milkyway galaxy?

if the Milky way galaxy has roughly 100 billion stars in it like scientist believe. and the odds of this happning are one in one million. when you do all the math it works out to be 10000 earths in our solar system. but that's only if there really is one earth in a million stars. its almost impossible to know for certain

How many moons does the Milky Way Galaxy have?

There are lots of spiral galaxies, so you shouldn't speak about the spiral galaxy as if there were only one, and while there are lots of moons inside galaxies, you may be thinking of galaxies that have other galaxies which orbit them; our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has the Greater and Lesser Magellanic Clouds as satellite galaxies, which perhaps is what you had in mind. A satellite galaxy is not a moon, however.

What is a large group of stars?

A large star is almost any star compared to us. There is no definition for a large or huge star for exactly that reason. Taking the relative dimensions from the smallest to the largest star, then our Sun would probably fit that category.

The Milky Way Galaxy is a member of the?

It's difficult to be certain; we're inside the Milky Way galaxy, and we've never seen it from the outside. For a long time, astronomers believed that the Milky Way was a classical spiral galaxy, but more complete observations indicates that it is actually a barred spiral galaxy.

Where do we fit in the universe and our impacts on it?

To put things into perspective... We are an insignificant group of species living on a tiny planet, in a small solar system, situated in a relatively small galaxy which is on a collision course with Andromeda - our nearest neighbour.

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Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar System so any of the other planets could fit inside a volume the size of Jupiter, some of them many times over.