

How does sunlight make Earth warm?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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radiation from the sun comes onto earth it makes us warm

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Q: How does sunlight make Earth warm?
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How does radiation warm the earth?

By the sunlight, when the sunlight enter in the earth

How does the light from the sun warm the earth?

The sunlight is partially absorbed by materials on Earth; when that happens, the energy in the sunlight is converted into heat energy.

What causes earth surface to get warm?

Sunlight. The warmth rises into the atmosphere where some is trapped by greenhouse gases. These warm gases then warm the earth's surface again.

Why does sunlight cause your skin to feel warm?

Sunlight causes your skin to feel warm because the sun is very hot. The sun transmits heat and light energy to organisms on Earth.

What is the difference between the way animals use sunlight and how plants use sunlight?

Animals use sunlight to keep warm, to see, and some use it to make vitamin D. Plants use sunlight to keep warm and to make sugar from carbon dioxide and water.

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Sunlight + Earth

What happens to the suns energy when it hits earth on a pie graph?

The pie graph gets warm when the sunlight hits it.

How do you make darkness on alxemy?

put earth and sunlight in the circle and you got darkness

What make Earth warm?

it is the pressure released by the earth and the sun's heat.

Why are days warm?

The simple reason to this is because of the hot rays coming from the sun towards the earth. That make the day warm because sun is present at day time - as compared to night no sun as well as sunlight is present so night is cold as the day!

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What does earth do with sunlight from the sun?

Sunlight warms the earth, provides light for us to see, and light so that plants and other photosynthetic organisms can use the energy to make food.