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In Jewish belief, Jesus may have lived as a person, but nothing more. His birth and death are not viewed as anything and he plays absolutely no role whatsoever in Judaism.

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Q: How does the judaism religion view the birth and death of jesus?
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Judaism was one major religion.

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Which book is associated with the growth of Christianity as a separate religion from its roots in Judaism?

The New Testament of the Bible. Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship, with God. Christianity started after the death burial and ressurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not really a development from Judaism.

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AnswerChristianity has its roots in Judaism, a religion of which Jesus was a member.

Does Reform Judaism believe in Jesus?

No. Reform Judaism does not believe in Jesus. Individual Jews have varying opinions about Jesus, but he is not part of the religion at all.

What was the main religion in Jesus times?

The Hebrew religion of Judaism Christianity was not invented until shortly after Jesus's Crusifiction, as Jesus was a Jew himself, the group of Jewish people that followed him after his death came out and proclaimed his stories, love and such which became the religion that now is Christianity, in the name of Christ.

Which religion was Jesus born into?

Jesus was raised Jewish.

What do Jews consider Jesus to be in Judaism?

Jesus plays no role whatsoever in Judaism. He is just a figure from a different religion from the Jewish perspective.

What does the religion Judaism think about Jesus' work?

Nothing. Irrelevant.

What religion believes in Jesus Christ but not Christmas?

A person can Believe in Jesus of Nazareth, their religion has nothing to do with believing in a god or that god's messenger. A person can believe in Christmas in a secular way, as it stands for family and fellowship. Christmas is actually blended with the pagan religion of Yule, which celebrates the Winter solstice, representing death in the Winter, as most plants do, and their re-birth in the Spring.