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The urogenital system of the male frog is not much different than that of the female. In fact, the only difference is that the male will possess a pair of testicles, while the female will possess a pair of ovaries.

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9y ago

Male frogs have testes where sperm is made. Both urine and sperm exit the male frog via the cloaca. The female frog has ovaries where the eggs are made. They travel down the oviducts to the cloaca to be fertilized outside the body.

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Q: How does the urogenital system of the male frog differ from the female?
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Why isn't a name for a female frog?

a frog consist in a group called ampibians . and there is no physical change in the charecteristics of frogs so a male frog and a female frog can be called in same names..........................