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Audio media has greatly influenced social behaviors and attitudes especially for the young people these days. The music has lyrics that are reflective of the artists lifestyle and young people try to emulate them.

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how visual media either reflect, or influence social behaviors and attitudes

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Q: How does visual media reflect or influence social behaviors and attitudes?
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Describe the three main focuses of social psychology?

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That act is known as social influence. It involves using various strategies to persuade or convince others to change their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. Social influence can occur through different mechanisms such as social norms, conformity, or authority.

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Informal peer influence refers to the impact that peers have on an individual's attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs through casual interactions and social relationships. This can include adopting similar behaviors, attitudes, or interests based on the influence of friends or acquaintances in a non-formal setting. It is a common aspect of social relationships, especially during adolescence and early adulthood.

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Social views refer to the attitudes, beliefs, and values that individuals or groups hold about various social issues, norms, and practices. These views shape how people perceive and interact with society and influence their behaviors and decisions.

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The "analogy of influence" suggests that people are like sponges, soaking up ideas and behaviors from their surroundings. Just as a sponge absorbs water, individuals can be influenced by the attitudes and actions of those around them. This analogy highlights the power of social interactions in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors.

What type of psychology explores the effects of different groups on their members?

Social psychology examines how group dynamics, social influence, and interactions between individuals within a group can influence behavior, thoughts, and emotions. By studying these processes, social psychologists aim to understand how belonging to a group can shape an individual's identity, attitudes, and behaviors.

What social influence in group?

Social influence in groups refers to the impact that others have on an individualโ€™s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors within a group setting. This can include conformity, where individuals adjust their actions to align with the group, as well as group polarization, where group discussion leads to more extreme opinions. Social influence can be both positive, encouraging pro-social behavior, or negative, promoting harmful actions.

How can media influence us?

Media can influence us through the information and messages it presents, shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. This influence can come from the news, television shows, movies, social media, advertisements, and other forms of media. It can affect our perceptions, decision-making, and societal views.

What is the six forces that influence attitudes?

The six forces that influence attitudes are beliefs, emotions, experiences, social influence, genetic predispositions, and cognitive dissonance. These factors impact how individuals perceive and respond to various situations and stimuli, shaping their attitudes and beliefs.

What branch of psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think about influence and relate to one another?

Social psychology is most directly concerned with the study of how people think, influence, and relate to one another. It examines how individuals are influenced by the presence of others, as well as how cultural and societal factors shape their behaviors and attitudes in social situations.

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The social psychology perspective is most likely to examine how group membership influences individual attitudes and behaviors. Social psychologists study how individuals are influenced by the presence and actions of others within a group or society.