


Social Media

What does WikiAnswers have in common with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Delicious, and scores of other sites? They are all Social Media sites that promote social interaction! The content on Social Media sites is user-generated, making the sites interesting and fun! Ask questions about Social Media here.

1,695 Questions

How does the ideal image of a woman's body differ in other cultures?

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Ideals of a woman's body vary across cultures, influenced by factors like history, traditions, and societal norms. For example, in some cultures, a curvier body may be seen as ideal, while in others, a leaner or more athletic physique may be preferred. It's essential to recognize these diverse standards and celebrate the beauty in all body types.

How do you be the coolest thing on stardoll?

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To be the coolest thing on Stardoll, focus on creating a unique and stylish look by mixing and matching different clothing items and accessories. Stay updated on the latest fashion trends and participate in fashion contests to showcase your style. Engage with other users, join clubs, and make friends to increase your popularity on the platform.

At which Canberra attraction can you actually make money?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the Royal Australian Mint. You can mint your won $1-00 coin, but last time I was there (7 years ago) it cost $2-00 to make a $2-00 coin.

Technically speaking the Royal Australian Mint is the only place in the whole of Australia (not only in Canberra) where you can make money. Everywhere else you have to earn your money...

What are ways people censor media?

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People censor media by implementing content restrictions, such as age ratings, blocking or removing certain content, restricting access to specific audiences, and heavily monitoring and controlling the distribution and publication of material. Additionally, governments may impose censorship through laws and regulations that limit freedom of expression and suppress dissenting views in media.

What is a good social media management company?

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LIMIT AD MEDIA best social media management company. Limit Ad Media is perceived as the first class computerized promoting office in Hyderabad due to the quality and effective work that we convey to our customers. Brand Marketing Company, Digital Marketing Services, social media marketing company in Hyderabad. Best Online Reputation Management company.

What impact does social devaluation have on an individuals quality of life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social Devaluation impacts an individuals life in many ways:

1.Image impairment

2. Competency Impairment

3. Experience bad thing in life more than good things in life

4. Treated as subhuman

For more see Social Role Valorization by Wolf Wolfensberger.

What is a comuter nerd?

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A computer nerd is a slang term used to describe someone who is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about computers, technology, and other related topics. They often excel in programming, troubleshooting hardware and software issues, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the technology industry.

Which sociological perspective would likely contend that the role of the mass media is to provide socialization, enforce social norms through public events, and create social stability and cohesion th?

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The functionalist perspective in sociology would likely contend that the role of the mass media is to provide socialization, enforce social norms, and create social stability and cohesion through public events. From this viewpoint, the mass media helps maintain social order by transmitting values and norms to society and promoting social integration and solidarity.

What are some examples of social groups?

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Asked by Wiki User

Types of Social Groups. Sociologists recognize several types of groups. These are:

1. Categorical group - Member of this group share particular characteristics and a common identity.

2. Aggregate group - An aggregate is any collection of people who are together in one place without interacting with one another.

3. Collectice groups - These are temporary groups which are not generally governed by established norms of the culture and are composed of people who share some kind of belief which motivates them to prepare for action.

4. Association group - This group is composed of people who join together in an organized manner to pursue a common interest.

From the groups that have been identified, these groups may be classified on the basis of social boundaries between members and non-members and adherence to a special set of norms.

What is the social function of monalisa portrait?

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The social function of the Mona Lisa portrait is to serve as a symbol of artistic achievement and cultural heritage. It has become an iconic image that represents the beauty and mystery of art, attracting visitors from around the world to experience its enigmatic smile and masterful composition. Additionally, it has sparked discussions and interpretations about the intersection of art, history, and human emotion.

What is social issue?

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A social issue is a problem that affects many individuals or communities within society, often stemming from inequalities, injustices, or discrepancies in power dynamics. Social issues can include poverty, discrimination, inequality, environmental degradation, and access to healthcare, among others. Addressing social issues typically requires collective action and advocacy to bring about positive change.

What are some examples of social epidemics?

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Examples of social epidemics include viral social media challenges, the spread of fake news, and the popularity of certain fashion trends or lifestyle choices. These phenomena can rapidly gain widespread popularity and influence behavior across society.

How has cultures changed?

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Asked by Wiki User

culture has changed over the years by the lack of unity, and influx in dependance in technology. about 200 years ago people relyed on eachother in small communities to serve one another, ex, the baker, the milk man, the farmer, the seemstres. but now, you can just go to your local grocery store and buy anything, lack of dependance. for example see the movie Fiddler on the Roof

What is the social learning theory of media violence?

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The social learning theory of media violence suggests that individuals learn and imitate aggressive behaviors from media sources, such as television, movies, and video games. This theory posits that exposure to violent media can influence attitudes and behaviors related to aggression in real life.

What were the social ramifications of World War 1?

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World War 1 resulted in significant social changes, including a shift towards more progressive social policies and the empowerment of women through their involvement in the war effort. It also led to increased political consciousness among working-class individuals, which contributed to the rise of socialist ideologies and movements in many countries. Additionally, the war created divisions and tensions within societies, as the trauma and loss experienced by many individuals led to a questioning of traditional values and beliefs.

Is media helpful?

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It's helpful insomuch as it can show and compare opinions. The danger is in how major media outlets use fear to create conflict and "otherness" between different demographics. What is helpful are all the resources we have that get facts from the source, or bias meters that analyze which news has the most bias and which way they lean (ie Politic Nation.)

What is a facebook troll?

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A Facebook troll is someone who posts controversial or inflammatory comments or messages on the social media platform with the goal of provoking others and creating conflict or disruption. They often seek attention and thrive on stirring up arguments or upsetting others online.

How does traditional media have an advantage over emerging media?

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Traditional media often has established credibility and a large reach due to its history and audience base. It also offers a tangible form of communication that can be easily consumed by a wide range of demographics. Additionally, traditional media typically has more structured advertising opportunities and may be perceived as more trustworthy by certain audiences.

What is the role of the media in turning people into celebrities?

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The media plays a significant role in turning people into celebrities by providing them with exposure, coverage, and publicity that boosts their visibility and popularity among the public. Through continuous coverage and promotion, the media can shape public perception and generate interest in individuals, ultimately contributing to their celebrity status.

Should you treat social media sites like the newspaper?

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No, social media sites and newspapers serve different purposes. While newspapers provide more in-depth and curated information, social media is filled with real-time updates, user-generated content, and varying levels of accuracy. It's important to critically evaluate the information on social media and not rely on it as your sole news source.

Role of mass media in social changes?

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Mass media plays a critical role in shaping public opinion and raising awareness about social issues. It can influence attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs on a large scale, leading to social changes. By disseminating information and promoting dialogue, mass media can mobilize communities and drive collective action towards social progress and reform.

List and describe the three elements of media literacy?

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The three elements of media literacy are access, analyze, and create. Access involves being able to find and understand information in various media forms. Analyze refers to critically evaluating and interpreting media messages. Create involves producing and sharing your own media content responsibly.

How does the media perpetuate this oppression of women by creating false and unrealistic images of beauty?

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The media perpetuates the oppression of women by promoting unattainable beauty standards that can lead to low self-esteem, body image issues, and a constant feeling of inadequacy among women. These false and unrealistic images of beauty can impact women's mental health and contribute to harmful practices like extreme dieting and cosmetic procedures in an attempt to conform to these standards.

Another term that accurately describes the media is?

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"The press" is another term that is accurately describes "the media."

What is the definition of 'media'?

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Media refers to various means of communication, such as television, radio, print, and the internet, which are used to reach and influence people. It includes platforms through which information, news, and entertainment are shared with an audience.