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The readings are all taken from The Bible, which Christians consider to be inspired by God. The readings are selected for each day to explain some lesson to the people. That is why the homily is delivered, to explain the meaning. The two or three readings are often chosen to complement each other, to fill out a more complete lesson, such as showing an Old Testament type being fulfilled in the New Testament. So the faithful consider that hearing the inspired writings is the same as hearing God speak.

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Jesus is also known as Christ!

Christ is always with us. The presence of Christ in the Eucharist begins at the moment of consecration. We Know that Christ is present in mass because we believe when receiving communion, we are receiving Jesus in body and blood. Christ is present when the assembly is gathered in his name. This is just as he had promised: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Every time we come together to pray and sing in any of the Church's liturgies, Christ is present and with us.

Christ is present as the priest in mass when they repeat what happened at the last supper. The priest says, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' and 'Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.' Jesus also said at the last supper when it was the last night Jesus had with his disciples. Jesus said that the host was his body and the wine was his blood.

The Blessed Sacrament, the host after being blessed, is put in a tabernacle. We know that the host which has been blessed by the Holy Spirit and has Jesus in it is always there because onto on the box there is a light which is always lit.

Jesus is also said to be present in the word of god. Whether that reading is from the Old or New Testament, Christ is present in that Word. In fact, at the beginning of John's Gospel, we hear that Christ IS the Word of God. He is God speaking to us. And so each time we hear God's Word Christ is there with us.

After the mass when we are about to leave the priest says" Go forth, the mass is ended" When he says mass we leave with Jesus inside us. We are told to spread the word.

Christ is present for us in His passion, death, and resurrection. Through offertory we give the bread and wine, the body and blood, to the priest who then blesses them and lays the Holy Spirit upon them. While this is happening we are supposed to thank god and find support through Christ who is present in mass.

As St Teresa as Avila said "Christ has no body on earth but yours" we have to do as Christ does. So if we go to mass it is like Christ going to mass as we are now Christ on earth.

I am doing this for a assessment so if it helps with yours wow!! but if u are doing it for a assessment please do not copy this.

What school r u in?

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Priests follow the church's lectionary in preparing the homily for the Mass. This is a selection of Biblical passages and topics that provide texts for the calendar year. The priest will also use other resource materials, reference books and personal experience, along with prayer and meditation when preparing the homily for a particular congregation on a particular occasion.

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Q: How is Jesus present to us at mass?
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Roman Catholic AnswerEverywhere. Jesus is present in the people present, through virtue of their baptism and belief. He is present in the Tabernacle in the Sacred Species (the Host). He is present in the Scriptures, especially when they are proclaimed at Mass during the readings. He is present in the person of the priest through his ordination. And finally, and in all reality, He is present on the altar, made present through His love for us, and the words of Consecration.

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