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Global Warming is taking place right now.

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What is the most significant environmental change that is taking place today?

Global warming

What is green house and global warming?

it is the dramatic place to find fruits and global warming is a global state where their is globalization or pollution in an evironment

When did global warming a its worst take place?


What information can ice hold to help in the research of global warming?

It helps to see how fast global warming its taking its affect on earth and its o zone layer.

How many global warmings have been taking place all around the world?

There have been various periods of warming and cooling through the history of the earth. They typically last for thousands of years, often tens of thousands. At the moment there is only one global warming taking place. This one has been happening since 1850 and is the fastest the world has ever seen.

Is there someone that can save the world from Global Warming?

No. To save the world from global warming then all countries have to act. Regular climate conferences are already taking place but have not been successful in uniting every country to act. Governments have to act, and all individuals have to act.

Does global warming bounce?

No, global warming has been rising steadily since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Most of the warming has taken place in the last 80 years, but there is no bounce.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

What is being done to solve the problem Are there laws relate to Global warming?

Gas emission laws are put into place to help prevent global warming.

How will Earth be in 2020?

If Global Warming and Global Cooling can be balanced correctly then the Earth should be a better place

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.