

How is sound produced in a organ instrument?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How is sound produced in a organ instrument?
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it is produced by the string vibrating on the instrument when you strum it.

Is the organ a percussion instrument?

Although most keyboard instruments are considered part of the percussion family (either the hammer striking or plucking of strings) the organ is not. For most organs, the sound is produced when air rushes through the pipes across flutes or reeds. Since there is no actual percussive action involved to produce the sound, it's not considered to be a percussion instrument.

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The unique sound or tone color produced by every instrument and voice is known as it's timbre. It is also referred to an instrument's color.

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A fiddle is a stringed instrument. The sound is produced by plucking strings. The pitch is determined with the fret board.

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A sound is produced in a wind instrument when a column of air vibrates inside a tube.A sound is produced when a column of air vibrates inside a tube.

What Instrument is predominant sound in the Phantom of the Opera?

The organ cos Erik (the Phantom) LIKES IT.

Can you Name the organ in your body which help to produce sound?

in human ,the sound is produced by the voice box or larynx

In a stringed musical instrument the part that vibrates in a resonance with the sound waves produced by the strings is called the?

In a stringed musical instrument, the part that vibrates in a resonance with the sound waves produced by the strings is called the sounding board.

How is sound produced in string instruments?

the string is either plucked, strummed, or drawn on with a bow. When this happens sound/notes are produced, although not very loudly. they amplify the sound with the body of the instrument, which acts as a resonator, thus amplifying and prolonging the note.

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Why is a piano accordion a wind instrument?

The sound is produced by alternate expansion and contraction of the bellows.