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Forever. It is in the hair, skin, and who knows what else. When our immune systems get weak, or we somehow get it into our bloodstreams, it becomes a staph infection.

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Q: How long can a staph infection live dormant in the body?
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Staphylocoque aureus in the sperm does it mean that i will be infertile and can't have children?

Not necessarily. Since your body produces sperm all the time, once the staph infection is treated, fertility should resume to normal percentile. Staph is one of the common bacteria found on your skin but is usually not a concern unless it is found in increased amounts or has somehow made it's way into the body. If a staph infection goes untreated, it could shut down production of normal bodily fluids and unbalance the pH in those that are still produced, killing off your sperm before it leaves your body. HOWEVER... if you get treatment and take the medications the doctors prescribe for you, the infection should clear up and your body will kick back to it's normal hormonal/genocidal development and pH levels should return to normal, allowing your little guys to live and continue the variance of procreation.... I would recommend, however, that you do not have sex while you are untreated, and that you abstain from sex during treatment, otherwise you and your favorite lady will be trading the infection back and forth, over and over in a vicious cycle... and that is no fun at all...

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Can a staph germ live on a bar of soap?

Recent studies have stated that staph bacteria can live on a bar of soap. Guidelines suggest that only pump soap is used and to wipe the pump handle with a bleach wipe to kill and lingering bacteria.

What are the chances of living once your staph infection goes to your bloodstream then to the heart and now you have a heart murmur to go along with it?

low but that does not man u have to be down about it just live ur life and stay positive WHO KNOWS u might end up living

Is Mt Tom in Holyoke MA a dormant volcano?

I live about 35 minutes from Mt. Tom and I can verify that it is a volcano, but it has been dormant for about 100 years.

What are the causes of staph infections?

staph is caused by the bacteria, Staphylococcus, which gets into a wound. Also, In teens, most staph infections are minor skin infections. People with skin problems like burns or eczema may be more likely to get staph skin infections. People can get staph infections from contaminated objects, but staph bacteria often spread through skin-to-skin contact - the bacteria can be spread from one area of the body to another if someone touches the infected area. Staph infections can spread from person to person among those who live close together in group situations (such as in college dorms). Usually this happens when people with skin infections share things like bed linens, towels, or clothing. Warm, humid environments can contribute to staph infections, so excessive sweating can increase someone's chances of developing an infection. Source/ Credit -

Can you have a rare parasite infection for 4 years?

yes! 4 and way more! it can live in your body up to 60 years!

Why does the body raise your temperature when you have a fever?

Your body temperature rises to fight off infection. Most bacteria and viruses that cause diseases have a limited temperature window in which they can "live". By raising the temperature, the body can often kill off an infection.

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Why shouldn't you live on a dormant volcano?

Because you can't afford too as your a poor pikey

Is there any chance of HIV infection from a dead body?

Yes there is; HIV can live, under normal environmental conditions, up to 2 days in a dead body. A chilled body increases the time by several days.