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Their limbs are not strong enough to support them out of water.

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Q: Can axolotls walk out of water?
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Related questions

Can axolotals live out of water?

no they can''t

How do axolotls get food?

They get their food from water,and sometimes land

Do axolotls bite?

No. Axolotls do not bite at all. In fact, they eat by sucking water into they're mouth and what the are trying to eat is sucked in also.

Are axolotls mammals?

No. Axolotls are amphibians.

Do Axolotls have Antennae?

No! Axolotls DO NOT have antennae!

Why do axolotls live underwater?

yes, axolotls do only live in the water since it only has gills

Do axolotls live in cold or hot water?

they have to or else the larvae will die

Does axolotls have fur or hair?

axolotls have neither

Are there axolotls in Australia?

Axolotls are not native to Australia. However, they have been imported as pets.

Were Axolotls around during dinosaur years?

Axolotls are not dinosaurs. Axolotls belong to a group of animals that's older than dinosaurs.

Can you keep a axolotl pet?

Axolotls are hardy and easy to care for, making them ideal pets for those with little experience in keeping exotic animals. ... Though they have lungs as well as gills, axolotls spend their entire lives in water which means they need a tank filled with deep water when being kept in captivity.

Do axolotls need lots of water?

yes they do because they live in itall though fill a tank about halfway to ensure it can breath