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You don't. Tell as soon as you find out. Its the best way if ur a teen.

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Q: How long do you wait to announce a pregnancy?
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How long do you have to wait to get a pregnancy test?

2 weeks or after

How long does a woman have to wait to do ecstasy after pregnancy?

Eighteen years.

How long do I have to wait until I can take a pregnancy test?

Most women should wait at least a few days after sex before taking a pregnancy test.

How long did you have to wait to get a pregnancy test?

Some it takes 2 weeks before u can, but they have early pregnancy test which i think u have to wait 6 days before taking

How do you announce a pregnancy?

As loud as you can, and in your highest, most annoying voice.

Should I announce my pregnancy in front of my sister, who is having trouble conceiving?

This is a very personal choice. It will not be too inappropriate to announce the good news. As long as your sister think this is good for you, then it is perfectly fine. They should not be too upset about this.

How long do you need to wait to do a urine pregnancy test after a blatocyst transfer?

Wait at least two weeks. HCG levels in IVF pregnancy's tend to take a little longer to register.

If a pregnancy test comes up inconclusive how long should you wait to take another test?

Wait a week and then retake the test.

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When is it safe to announce your pregnancy to friends and family?

They usually say after the first trimester when the chances of miscarriage are significantly lower, but you can announce your pregnancy any time you feel comfortable doing so. Good luck.

How long after sex can you use a pregnancy test to find out?

you have to wait at least 19 days after you have sex. The longer you wait the more accurate the test will be.

How long should you wait before tacking a pregnancy test?

12 - 14 days :P