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Like Earth's moon, Deimos' axial rotation is synchronous with its orbital revolution

as a satellite of Mars. The period of both motions is 30.3 hours.

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Q: How long does it take Deimos the moon to rotate on its axis?
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Related questions

How long for moon to rotate on axis?

27.32 days

How long does it take for the moon to rotate around on its axis?

27.32 days

How long does it take for the moon to rotate on its axis approxamatley?

About 28 days.

What does the moon do on its axis?


How long will it take for our moon to rotate on its axis?

365 and 1 to 4 days

Does the moon rotate on an axis how long does it take?

yes, it takes axpproximately 27 days

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How long it does take the moon to rotate?

Earth's moon does rotate on it's axis but it does it once each orbit of the Earth: every 27.3 days .

How long does it take your moon to rotate on its axis?

It takes 27.32 of the time interval that we call our "day".

How does it take for the to rotate on its axis?

The moon has an axis, and as the moon orbits the Earth, it keeps the same face toward the earth. So the moon rotates on its axis the same length of time it takes to rotate the earth -28 days.

How often does the Moon rotate in its axis?

27.32 days

How long it does the moon to rotate?

The moon rotates on it's axis as it revolves around the Earth, taking 29.5 days. This is why we can never see the 'back' of the moon from Earth.