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Further QUESTION BY POSTER: My wife has had an en-topic pregnancy with ivf and started a second course of injections for new treatment we have stopped the treatment due to her having doubts on all sorts of things could this be due to the treatment as it has now driven us apart.

i understand this could be how she really feels but i do not know how we could go from a loving relationship to be where we are now have you any advice.

A: A lot of psychological baggage in that question, Hormonal women are often not their most rational selves. They and you will be on an EMOTIONAL roller coaster for some time!

But the let down for the failed pregnancy is a very rich soup of emotions & physical frustrations & PERHAPS she is taking that out on you. Seeing you as a part of the problem.

The HRT Hormones should be 2-6 weeks to be out of her system, but the bad news is that it probably sets her own hormonal balance on its own roller coaster that could last for many months or longer.

You need help, you need someone that can do some testing and really understands the values from the testing and what can be done with it.

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Q: How long does it take for hormones to leave the body after stopping hormone replacement therapy?
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Who can benefit from natural hormone replacement therapy?

One can benefit from hormone replacement therapy if they suffer from overactive or underactive hormones. These include men and women who have problems with their hormones.

What are the side effects of stopping hormone replacement therapy?

Common side effects of stopping hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and an increased risk of bone loss. It is important to work closely with a healthcare provider when discontinuing HRT to manage any potential side effects and ensure a smooth transition.

How long does hormone replacement therapy typically last?

The hormone replacement therapy pellet lasts about 3-4 months, and the pill is taken daily. Both must be prescribed by a doctor, typically one specializing in hormone replacement therapy. Natural bio-identical hormones are the best, not synthetic ones. The therapy is needed until your hormones are in balance. The length of time for this therapy is best discussed with your doctor, as it is specific to your needs & your body’s ability to produce the correct amount (not over or under) of hormones.

How can you get prescribed hormone replacement therapy?

To begin hormone replacement therapy, first you must discuss it with your regular doctor. There are great benefits to this type of therapy, but it isn't for everyone. Your doctor can help you determine if it's right for you or not. Then you will need to see a doctor who specializes in hormone replacement therapy. I strongly recommend that you undergo bioidentical hormone therapy, and avoid synthetic hormones.

Is hormone replacement therapy expensive?

Hormone levels decline as we age; bioidentical hormone therapy replenishes the hormones that your body needs to function. BodyLogicMD's bioidentical hormone doctors use natural or bioidentical hormones versus bio-similar or synthetic hormones. Bioidentical hormones are molecule-by-molecule, exactly the same as the hormones (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, dhea, estradiol and estriol) present in the human body. Your bioidentical hormone replacement physician will assess your individual needs and work to restore these hormones and customize a medical plan specifically for you.

What is the safest way for hormone replacement therapy I heard so that the synthetic hormones are not safe. Which ones do you suggest?

Hormone replacement therapy using non-estrogenic herbs seem to be the safest. It involves using natural herbs that stimulate your body to produce more of the hormones it lacks. One popular natural herbal supplement is called Macafem.

Can Menopause cause chest pains?

Absolutely. Hormones can effect the body in many ways. Hormone Replacement Therapy is very effective.

What does HRT stand for?

Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal?

Natural hormone replacement is a great way to treat the symptoms of menopause. Synthetic hormones have been linked to a higher risk of breast cancer among other things. Unlike synthetic hormones, natural hormones are just like the hormones produced by your body. Do more research, and ask your doctor before making a final decision.

What is bioidentical hormone therapy used for?

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a treatment for hot flashes, sleeplessness and other menopausal symptoms that women suffer from. Often called natural hormone therapy, and it uses hormones that are identical to the the hormones women produce in their body.

What is the treatment for Dwarfism?

The main course of therapy is growth hormone replacement therapy when there is lack of growth hormone in the body.

How does hormone therapy treat cancer?

Hormone therapy is standard treatment for some types of cancers that are hormone-dependent and grow faster in the presence of particular hormones.