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The Earth rotates on it's axis every day - one time each day. It is the rotation that creates our days, as the sun moves in and out of view during the rotation.

The Earth revolves around the sun in one year, or 365 1/4 days (which is why we add an extra day to the calendar every fourth year).

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135 /360 ths of 24 hours, or .375 (37.5%) of a day, or 9 hours

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Q: How long does it take for the earth to rotate through 15 degrees of longitude?
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When does the earth rotate through degrees of longitude?

In almost exactly 24 hours.

When does the earth rotates through 360 degrees longitude?

The Earth rotates through 360 degrees longitude every 24 hours.

How many degrees of longitude do you need to travel across to pass through one hour?

Every 15 degrees represent one hour. There are 360 degrees around the Earth. Divide 360 by 15 and you 24 - the number of hours in a day, and the time it takes the Earth to rotate on its axis.

Does 200 degrees longitude run through antarctica?

There is no 200 degrees of longitude. There is 180 degrees west of the Greenwich Meridian and 180 degrees east of the Greenwich Meridian. All degrees of longitude on earth converge at the South and North Poles.

How many minutes it takes the earth takes to rotate through one degree of longitude?

Roughly 4 minutes.

How long does earth takes to rotate through 180 degrees of longitude?

180° is half of a full rotation, so the answer is half of a day or twelve hours (ignoring the variables that contribute to the equation of time offset).

How long does the earth takes to rotate through 180 degrees of longitude?

180° is half of a full rotation, so the answer is half of a day or twelve hours (ignoring the variables that contribute to the equation of time offset).

How many minutes does it take the earth to rotate through 15 degrees?

1 hour

How are lines of latitude and longitude used to locate places on earth?

It locates a place through degrees

How many degrees of longitude do you need to travel across pass through one hour of time?

The Earth rotates at the rate of roughly 15 degrees of longitude per hour.

How many degrees of longitude do you need to travel across to pass through one hour of time?

The Earth rotates at the rate of roughly 15 degrees of longitude per hour.

Into how many degrees of longitude is the Earth divided into?

360 Degrees