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An investigation will continue until the prosecutor is prepared to go to court.

There is no specified amount of time.

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Q: How long does it take to be charged with petty theft?
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Can i be charged with theft if i want to pay in full but need more time?

Depends on how long you take, if you take a week they might let it slide, any longer... Good Luck!

What was the punishment for petty theft in England in the 1950s?

you would be forced to eat testicles and be forced to take it up the anal passage

In Florida if arrested for petty theft but charges were dropped how long is it retained on your record?

Just because the State declined to prosecute the charge does not mean the record of your arrest goes away. Unless you take legal action to have it expunged, the record of your arrest will always exist.

If you run away and take your parents car would that be considered stealing the car?

Yes, taking your parent's car without permission and running away with it would be considered theft. It is illegal to take someone else's property without their consent, even if they are your parents.

If you are charged with a 3rd degree felony theft charge what do you plee to get no jail time?

Try to have them take it down to a misdemeanor, but best advice is to speak to a lawyer.

Can a person file theft charges when i didn't take anything?

The definition of theft can vary slightly between jurisdictions - "taking possession" is an element, but it doesn't technically matter for how long - you can be charged with theft if you take possession of anything valuable with the intent to exclude the owner's interest, even if its momentary and they regain possession. People report incidents to law enforcement, and law enforcement/prosecutor's office files charges when applicable. If a person has any financial loss due to an attempted theft, they can certainly file a civil suit for damages.

Can a daughter take goods before probate is granted?

The daughter is not authorized to remove property before probate. They can be charged with theft and the executor has the right to demand its return.

How long does it take to download and install grand theft auto episodes from liberty city to windows 7?

Very long...

How long does it take to be reimbursed for a theft loss claim on your homeowners insurance after EUO?

90 days

Why was ponystars shut down?

Acclaim lost its court case with Pony Island and were charged with art theft. They were told to take down the site and any other sites that used that artwork.

How long will it take Grand Theft Auto 4 to install in your laptop?

If you want to get gta 4 on your laptop like me it would take about 1 week

How long does it take to charge up a phone that hasn't been charged for weeks?

30 minutes to an hour