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It'll pull back close to what it was before in a few weeks time.
the cavity after discharging baby gets empty filled with air we need to tighten

her stomoch with any post natal belt for betterment of the mother

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13y ago

I had a ceasarean and it only took me a month and a half. I did 100 situps everyday, and I drink plenty of water. It dropped off before I even notice.

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13y ago

Yes but how you will look after whether you exercise or not is not something you can know in advance.

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Q: What happens to a womans stomach after she has a baby?
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Where are babies in a womans body?

The baby is in the womb, which is basically in the lower half of her stomach.

What are the causes of pregnancy delay in women?

the baby has to devolep in the womans stomach and has to be healthy before it can be born

How do the babies get in the mom stumick?

They aren't in the mums stomach, when a males sperm cell meets a womans egg cell through sexual intercourse a foetus (very young baby) will develop in the womans womb, and will finally leave through the womans vagina, the baby is born.

Were does an unborn baby develop?

in the womans womb

Is it harmful to poke a pregnant womans belly button?

is safe to poke a belly botton nothing happens and the baby likes it :P

Cramps below a womans stomach?

you will most likely be getting your period.

What happens when you look at a eclipse when your pregnant?

the baby is born with a synthem have to put a metal pin on your pants right where it touches your stomach to protect the baby.

What happens if you burn your stomach while pregnant?

if you're worried it will hurt the baby, it wont it will just hurt you

What sex cell helps the unborn baby to grow?

The sperm cell enters the womans vaginal area going to the ovary, which fertalizes the womans egg cell, creating and baby.

Where does a baby come out of?

The baby comes out of the frontal private area called the vagina, located below where the penis is on a male body. The hole stretches like spandex, to let something bigger come out. The hole is as small as a dime and grows to a foot to let the baby out.

What are strechmarks?

Strechmarks are little streched out puple spots that usually happen to a womans stomach after pregnancy they are all streched out they are like little lines it happens when your skin isn't lubricated enough to stretch

Can your stomach move as if it were a baby but not be pregnant?

Yes ... Go to the dr it might be a baby or tape werms