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The hen sits on the eggs for 21 days, and during that time, she turns them for 18 days. The chickens usually hatch at 18-21 days, but I've had chickens hatch at 21-25 days sometimes. The eggs have to fertilized, and not too old by the time she starts to sit. Make sure she is in a nice dry and warm place as well.

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Q: How long does the chicken sit on an egg for it to be chick?
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How long will a chicken sit on an egg to wait to be hatched?

Around three weeks.

How long from when the chicken sits till the baby starts to grow?

Once the chickens start to sit, the chick starts to grow. You can start to see the the embryo develop after 4 to 7 days if you candle the egg.

What is a life cycle of chicken?

first then hen has the egg in her then she lays it in the nest. Once she hatches it, she will sit on it to keep it warm. Eventually a chick will come out of the egg. Then it will grow until this goes on again and again.

How long will a chicken sit after the first egg has hatch?

It will sit until the others all hatch and leave any that don't hatch.

Does a male chicken sit on an egg to fertilise it?

Don't be silly

How does a chicken sit on her egg without breaking it?

It has a soft tush ;)

Can a cold egg hatch a chick?

No. Chickens are warm blooded birds. Just like any warm blooded creature (e.g. humans), if they stay too cold for too long, they will die. If the egg is cold, the chick will die before the egg can hatch. That's why hens sit on their eggs to keep them warm.

What helps chick's get out of their shells?

Egg incubation helps chicks get out of their shells. Or for the people who have this question as a math problem, the answer is THE EGG SIT (the exit).

How long can chicken sit unrefridgerated?

it can sit until it dies, why would you put a chicken in the fridge?

How long does it take for a chicken to lay a egg?

The actual formation of the egg inside the chicken takes about 24 hours, but when they sit down to lay the egg it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to a couple of hours.

Why chicken must sit on there egg after it lay eggs?

so it can keep them warm.

If you let an egg sit for a while... would it hatch into a chick?

It just depends if there is a rooster invovled yea but you must freeze it first, bring to a rapid boil and rinse...Sit egg in window for 2 days.....egg should be hatching now...