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The length depends on the texture of your hair and the person braiding it. Generally, hair that is at least an inch long Can be braided. For people who have the hair properties of that of a Caucasian, your hair would need to be a bit longer, like around three inches. The reason for this is because the hair has a tendency to want to slip out. The more of it that can be intertwined in the braid, the less likely it will come out.

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Q: How long does your hair have to be to get it braided?
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How long does it take to get your hair braided?

7 to 8 hours

Is your hair long enough to braid? can be just about any length to be braided. so, yeah. pretty much...

Where can one find Braided hair online?

One can find images of braided hair styles at Braided Image and The Berry. One can find braided hair extensions online at Amazon, eBay, Ebony Line, and Super Beauty Depot.

What is typical about a braided hairstyle?

A braided hairstyle is a type of hairstyle that is usually worn by women with long hair in which all or part of one's hair is separated into strands normally three and then plaited or braided together. It typically forms a braid hanging down at the back of head.

Does Rosa parks have long hair or short hair?

She had very long hair. She had long wavy dark hair that fell past her waist that came from her Indian ancestry. She braided and twisted her hair up and never wore in down in public.

Why women braided there hair?

Because in ancient times women did not cut there hair like today and there were no hairstyles and most of them had it long so they braided it so it doesnt come in their face and u know how sometimes hair annoys u when u run or walk !

What if hair is braided does it still need to be in a hair net?

Well it depends because when I had my hair braided I never put it into a hair net but it might as well help the hair to stay nicer.

Is that all beyonces hair?

Beyoncé is known to wear hair extensions. She sometimes has short hair, braided hair, or very long hair. Her hair color changes often also.

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What does it mean to dream of your hair being braided?

having your hair braided is a sign that your finances will be in order or that you will get a huge chunk of money that will be life changing