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This isn't even technically true. One GTP molecule is produced which produces one ATP molecule.

The Krebs cycle produces tons of energy, but not in the form of ATP directly. The Krebs cycle (or TCA cycle) results in reducing potential molecules; NADH and FADH2 specifically. These molecules are shuttled through the electron transport chain to produce energy.

3 NADH molecules and 1 FADH molecule is produced for every turn of the Krebs cycle. One molecule of glucose will result in two turns of the Krebs cycle because two pyruvate molecules are the result of one glucose molecule (pyruvate if fed into the Krebs cycle after it is converted into acetyl-CoA). So, one glucose molecule = 6 NADH and 2 FADH molecules (and 2 GTP molecules)

In the electron transport chain 1 NADH molecule = 3 ATP. 1 FADH2 molecule = 2 ATP. From here the math is pretty straight forward

6 NADH molecules = 18 ATP

2 FADH molecules = 4 ATP

2 GTP molecules = 2 ATP

If you ever read something saying the number of ATP molecules produced from a glucose molecule is between 30-38 ATP do not be confused. This is simply the number for: glycolysis, TCA cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain) added together. We only get about 30 ATP molecules out of it though because the process is not perfect.


Biomed degree.

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Through a series of steps in the Krebs cycle (Citric Acid Cycle), 2 ATP molecules are produced.

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36? i think

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