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Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixion, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama...

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15y ago

If you mean in Cuba, two. Fidel and his brother Raul.

If you mean in the US, ten. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, George Bush, Clinton, George W Bush, and Obama.

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Q: How many presidents since Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba?
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What is the name of Cuba's dictator?

Raul Castro is the dictator in Cuba since Fidel is dead.

Is Fidel Castro married?

Yes, Fidel Castro married to Mirta Diaz-Balart in 1948 Yes, Fidel Castro married to Dalia Soto del Valle in 1980

How long was fidel Castro the dictator of cuba?

== == Castro has been in power since 1959, when he overthrew Batista. He stepped down as Cuba's president in 2008.

Who has been the leader Cuba since 1959?

Fidel Castro

Who has been the leader of cuba since 1959?

Fidel Castro

How long was Fidel Castro president?

Fidel Castro was the Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and then served as President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers from 1976 to 2008. This makes a total of almost 49 years in power.

Cuba has been ruled by what leader since 1959?

Fidel Castro

Who was the president of Cuba until 2008?

Fidel Castro officially stepped down as President of Cuba in 2008. His brother Raul Castro had been Acting President since 2006, and was given full Presidential status after Castro's resignation.

Who is dictator of Cuba?

Raul Castro is the dictator in Cuba since Fidel is dead.

Has cuba changed at all since fidel Castro fall from power how?

Cuba has changed very little since Fidel Castro left the presidency. His brother Raul is now the president, and it is likely that Fidel still makes many of the decisions. There is still a lack of personal and political freedom. Poverty and racism are still major issues that the Cuban government refuses to acknowledge or deal with.

Why is Fidel Castro significant figure in history?

Since 1959 Castro was the dictator of Cuba. This alone made him a historical person.

How long has Fidel Castro been in hiding?

Since July 2006, when he had abdominal surgery.