

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro served as first, Prime Minister, and then President of Cuba from 1959 until 2008. Castro, who is Communist, is best known for turning the Republic of Cuba into a one-party socialist state. Questions about Fidel Castro can be found here.

363 Questions

How long was Fidel Castro president?

Fidel Castro served as Cuban dictator for 49 years, since he led a band of guerrillas to overthrow the government in 1959. Castro started the revolution in early 1958, he assumed power on 1 January 1959.

What did Fidel Castro stand up for?

Fidel Castro stood up for various ideologies and causes. He fought for Cuban independence from colonialism and imperialism, promoting social justice and equality, and advocating for the overthrow of capitalist systems. He also championed anti-imperialist movements and supported revolutionaries around the world who were fighting against oppression and exploitation.

Fidel Castro was a star.Which game did he play when did he play it and who did he play it for?

Fidel Castro was not a professional athlete. He was a Cuban politician and revolutionary who served as the Prime Minister and later the President of Cuba. Instead of playing games, Castro was known for his involvement in leading the Cuban Revolution and shaping the policies of the Cuban government.

Is Fidel Castro white?

Fidel Castro was of mixed heritage. Although his father was of Spanish and Basque descent, his mother had Afro-Cuban and Canarian ancestry. Therefore, Castro would not be considered white in terms of his racial background.

What position does Fidel Castro hold in Cuba?

Fidel Castro was Prime Minister from 1959-1976 and President from 1976-2008. He also held the role of First Secretary of the Communist party of Cuba, from 1961-2011. In 2011 he officially retired as a political leader and does not currently hold a political position.

When was Blame it on Fidel created?

Blame it on Fidel was created on 2006-09-10.

Who was the president of Cuba before Fidel Castro?

Batista served two different terms as president of Cuba. First from 1940 to 1944, he was preceded by Frederico Laredo Bru. His second term was from 1952 to 1959 and he ousted Carlos Prios Socarras.

What is fidel Castro's leadership style?

Dictatorship.he wants everything to belong to him

Was Castro a good dictator for Cuba?

Fulgencio Batista rose to power in a coup, and cultivated the friendship of Meyer Lansky, a mobster from America. Under him, the ownership of land in Cuba shifted to non-Cubans, particularly Lansky's "friends" in the casino business. Most of the farm land was under the control of American corporations interested in cheap sugar. Batista was corrupt and corporate greed fed that corruption.

So, at least in the opinion of most historians, the answer is no. Batista was not a good ruler for Cuba.

What was a lasting impact of the Cuban Revolution?

Cuba has the highest percentage of literacy and educated people, an enormous ammount of highly trained professionals, and a shortage of many key items due to the US's illegal embargo (the UN declared a while back the embargo goes against international laws of self-sovereignty interference)

What is the relationship of raul Castro to Castro?

Yes... Raul Castro was Fidel's younger brother... They also had another brother, Ramon, and he was the oldest Castro brother.

Are there any similarities between Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin?


Sure, they all believed that socialism would solve their nation's woes and killed all their political opponents.

What were fidel Castros achievements?

He ended up providing health care for the elderly. Fidel Castro had quite a few accomplishments including making Cuba the first Communist state in the Western Hemisphere.

Why Fidel Castro agreed to have the Soviet missiles installed in Cuba?

My opinion

To test the resolve of the young President Kennedy and also to find out how good the US spy satellites were.

The reason he approved is because Castro believed that another U.S. attack was immenent so he wanted the missiles as a defensive manuever

When Did Che Guevara meet Fidel Castro?

They were cousins on his mothers side. He knows him all his life. Alberto was 6 years older than Che. In 1952, 23-year-old medical student Ernesto and his 29- year-old biochemist pal Alberto (Rodrigo de la Serna, an Argentine cousin of Guevara's) left their comfortable middle-class Buenos Aires homes for a motorcycle jaunt around the continent.