

How many cells are being replaced in your body everyday?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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More than you can imagine. Over trillions

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Q: How many cells are being replaced in your body everyday?
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How are dead and worn cells in the body replaced?

It all depends on which cells. Some are not replaced. These are mostly nerve cells such as found in the brain. Other cells constantly die and are shed and replaced from tissues below them. An example of this are your skin cells.

In each day how many body cells are replaced?


How long for all of the red blood cells in your body to be replaced.?

red blood cells are replaced ever 120 days, so therefore are replaced 3 times a year

What cells make up the small intestine?

Are replaced every few days

Each day how many of your body cells replace?

There are about 2 000 000 000 of your body cells are replaced each day

List three types of body cells that must be replaced frequently?

Muscle cells,Skin cells, and white blood cells.

How long do cells in your body last?

It varies dramatically depending on what type of cell it is. For example, blood cells and skin cells are constantly being replaced, so they don't live for very long. However, your brain and nerve cells NEVER get replaced, so they live until you die. That's why if you hurt your spine in, for example, a car wreck, you are likely paralyzed for life, whereas if you scrape your skin it will grow back.

The cells of which the organ can the human body not replace if they are dead?

the brain cells cannot be replaced by the human body, that's why the boxer who gets brain cells damage can never be illed.

Can nerve cells be replaced?

If by 'replaced' you mean, can the body grow new ones like with blood and tissue cells, then no, not at present. There is some promising research being done with stem-cell therapies, but they're a long way from being able to effectively regrow nerve tissue.

Is there an cure for progeria?

no there is no cure, progeria is a disease that contains people missing cells in there body which for cannot be replaced with more cells.

Is it true that every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced?


Almost every cell in the human body is replaced every few years through the process of?

cell turnover, where old cells die and are replaced by new cells. This process helps maintain the body's overall function and health.