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Crawford Rodriguez

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11y ago

If three diploid cells each with 32 chromosomes undergo mitotic cell division, they will produce six diploid cells each with 32 chromosomes.

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Nayak Basant

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Nayak Basant

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Q: How many daughter cells would be produced if 32 cells undergo meiosis?
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Daughter cells produced when cells undergo mitosis are genetically and daughter cells produced when cells undergo meiosis are genetically .?

Identical, different.

How many daughter cell are produced when chromosomes undergo meiosis?

A total of four daughter cells are created during meiosis. There are two phases of meiosis, meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. During meiosis 1 two daughter cells are created while during meiosis 2 four daughter cells are created.

Four daughter cells produced in mitosis or meiosis?

Four daughter cells are produced in meiosis. In mitosis, two daughter cells are produced.

How many daughter cells are produced in meiosis?

Four daughter cells are produced in meiosis.

Two complete daughter cells are formed in what phase of meiosis?

Two complete daughter cells are formed in Meiosis II. Meiosis II follows Meiosis I where the two daughter cells produced by Meiosis I undergo further division to form a total of four haploid daughter cells.

How many daughter cells can be produced be meiosis?

Four daughter cells.

In meiosis whow many diploid daughter cells are produced?

Two diploid daughter cells are produced after meiosis, as the process involves two rounds of cell division resulting in the production of four haploid daughter cells.

How many cells are produce in meiosis?

Four non-identical daughter cells are produced in meiosis.

What boby cells undergo meiosis?

Body cells do not undergo meiosis. Reproductive cells undergo meiosis, body cells, mitosis.

How many daughter cells are produced at the end of meiosis?

Four daughter cells are produced at the end of meiosis, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This is because meiosis involves two rounds of cell division.

How many different cells are produced during meiosis?

Meiosis produces four nonidentical daughter cells.

How many daughter cells are produced during the process of meiosis?