

Best Answer

As told by the doctors u the conception date will be 14 days later. it varies depending on the woman you can go to webmd to the pregnancy part and they have a page that can tell you when your most fertile. how many days can i get pregnant after my period? Correct answer: : Both the above answers are incorrect -if in doubt, it is best not to provide misleading answers. : The belief that ovulation takes place 14 days after the period starts is a that prevents a lot of woman from getting pregnant. The day actually varies among woman and may change from one cycle to another. The way to effectively predict it is to use an ovulation kit which detects hormonal days and notifies you in advance when you will be ovulating. Another way is to use a basal body thermometer -ovulation occurs when there is a sharp temperature shift (rise) in the overall pattern each month. Before ovulation, temperatures tend te be in the 97's and after ovulation, the shift sharply to the 98's. There is a lot more to it than I can explain here, so for further details, you need to buy a book or read up about it on fertility websites.
While ovulating

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Q: How many days after your period can a woman get pregnant?
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How many days a woman is pregnant after period?

u don't get your next period if ur pregnant

How many days do you wait after you have your period to get pregnant?

you do it before your period.. while ovulating.

How many days can you know that a woman is pregnant?

14 days after conception a woman can determine pregnancy with a pregnancy test.

Can a woman have a period if they can't get pregnant?

Yes, it is possible for a woman to have a period even if she cannot get pregnant. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining and does not necessarily indicate fertility. Factors such as hormonal levels and overall reproductive health can impact a woman's ability to conceive, but do not necessarily affect her menstrual cycle.

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It varies from woman to woman, but is usually between 2 and 7 days.

How many days after menstruation can a woman get pregnant?

A woman can get pregnant at any time but the best time is about 12 days after menstruation has finished up until it starts again

How many days before your period should you go for a pregnancy test my periods are due on fourth so when should go for test?

There are no days before your period, when you already are pregnant. As soon as you are pregnant your next due period at the 4th will not come. When you are without periods for 2 months, it is very likely that you are pregnant. Many women don't know, that after 10 days after their last period, they are in a period of another 10 days that hey can become pregnant. Mostly it is only 7 days. So that means that 21 days between your period you cannot become pregnant. Short: Period + 10 days free. + 8 days pregnancy possible. + 10 days free. Dr. Phylopi

How many days after your missed period can you know your pregnant?

You should be able to reliably test 1 to 5 days after your missed period.

How many days between a woman's period?

Not every woman is the same, but they average 26 to 30 days between periods.

Whether it is safe not to use condom 8 days before and after the periods?

a girl can get pregnant anytime, the whole "this many days before or this many days after my period i cant get pregnant" is a myth, shes just as likely to get pregnant no matter when her period was. you should always use birth control if you are not ready for a baby.

Can you be pregnant and have a period 2 days after?

Yes, my wife missed a period and called to the doctors, after examining her he told her she was 3 month pregnant or having twins, she went for a scan and it turned out she was 3 month pregnant even though she had regular periods before hand, its quite rare but it can happen.

How many days before woman becomes pregnant?

as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg