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There are currently 6,909 known languages.

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10h ago

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken around the world today, with many having their own unique dialects and variations. These languages are distributed across different regions and countries, each contributing to the rich diversity of human communication.

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How many languages are spoken today?

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. However, many of these languages are endangered and at risk of disappearing.

What was the the local language that people used everyday in medieval Europe?

It depended on the region, as there were many different languages than are used today. Different Germanic languages were spoken in Northern Europe, for example.

How many different languages are spoken?

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken worldwide. However, many of these languages are endangered, with more than half at risk of becoming extinct in the next century.

How many languages do we have in the wold?

There are between 3000-6000 languages spoken today.

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Over 90 different languages are spoken in Houston, Tx

How many languages spoken on Earth today?

Ethnologue lists the total as 6,809 languages.

Today there are how many languages spoken on earth?

Ethnologue lists a total of 6,809 languages.

How many languages are spoken in the world today?

There are approximately 7,117 languages spoken in the world today.

How many languages is spoken today?

According to there are currently 6,909 known languages . Hope this helps!

How many different languages is there on Earth?

Total, there are 116 different OFFICIAL languages on Earth. however there are many other languages spoken throughout the world!

What languages are spoken in Commonwealth countries?

Many different languages are spoken in the many Commonwealth countries. The English language is common to most members of the Commonwealth.

What is kaqchikel?

It is one of the many different languages spoken by the Mayans.