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There are roughly 6,800 languages according to the Ethnologue Organization and Linguistic Society of America estimates, but it is difficult to establish the actual number. We are losing languages by the month as native speakers of those languages die out. There may be places where schools qualify people to learn local native languages. This may have the effect of hastening the deaths of some languages by too tightly restricting the numbers of people who can learn them.

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2w ago

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world. However, many of these languages are spoken by small populations and are at risk of extinction.

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13y ago

6000 more languages in the world and 3000 more languages are dying.

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14y ago

There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages, yet about 2,000 of them have less than 1,000 speakers.



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There are many languages in the world.Ifact there r more than 329 languages r spoken in india.and the no.of total languages r many languages spoken in the world?In India there are 1618 languages spoken and in entire World its 6912

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There are approximately 7,117 spoken languages in the world, although this number can vary depending on different sources and definitions of languages.

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There are approximately 7,000 recognized languages spoken in the world today. Around 23 of these languages are spoken by half of the global population.

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There are around 7,000 modern languages spoken in the world today. The exact number can vary depending on how languages and dialects are classified. Language diversity is influenced by factors such as population size, geographical isolation, and historical influences.

How many lunguage we have in the whole world?

There are approximately 7,117 known languages spoken in the world today. However, many of them are endangered with a high risk of extinction.

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There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken worldwide. However, many of these languages are endangered, with more than half at risk of becoming extinct in the next century.

How many languages in the world are written languages and what is the total number of languages in this world?

There are around 7,000 languages spoken in the world, and of these, approximately 2,000 are written languages. The exact numbers can vary due to factors such as dialects and evolving languages.

What language is spoken?

It depends on the country or region you are referring to. There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world.

How many languages are no longer spoken in the world?

It is estimated that around 3,000 to 7,000 languages have become extinct throughout human history. Currently, there are approximately 2,500 languages that are considered endangered and at risk of disappearing in the future.

How many lanuages are there in the world?

There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. This number can vary because some languages are considered dialects of a larger language.