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26 letters

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Q: How many letters are in the alpebet?
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It depends on how many letters are in the username and if double letters are allowed.

How many types of business letters are there?

There are actually many types of business letters and these can vary based on the business structure, size, and industry. Some of these types of business letters include: sales letters request letters announcement letters complaint letters inquiry letters good-will letters follow-up letters letters of recommendation acknowledgment letters collection letters letters of introduction letters of resignation

How many types of lettering are there?

There are actually many types of business letters and these can vary based on the business structure, size, and industry. Some of these types of business letters include: sales letters request letters announcement letters complaint letters inquiry letters good-will letters follow-up letters letters of recommendation acknowledgment letters collection letters letters of introduction letters of resignation

How many letters are in the Norway alphabet?

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What 7 letters have many letters the answer is mailbox?
