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Its not light, its temperature. Ideal temp is 86 degrees with a basking area of around 90 - 92. If the cage is too hot the animals will stay in the coolest part of the cage. If too cold it will rarely leave the hot spot.

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Q: How many light bulbs does a leopard gecko need?
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How do you breed a leopard gecko?

There should be many hits on Google for leopard gecko breeding.

How many bones does a leopard gecko have?


How many bones does a leopard gecko have inside their body?


What types of leopard gecko is there?

They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D

How old has your leopard gecko got to be before you feed it meal worms?

Can start feeding them mealworms immediately. Leopard gecko really like crickets, so if crickets are always available do not expect them to eat many mealworms.

How many crickets should a leopard gecko eat in 1 serving?

25-30 crickets

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Would a Leopard Gecko be all right o eat wax worms and if so how many?

Wax worms are fine for leopard geckos but only as a treat as in for a fully sized gecko just add like 2-3 in with its meal.

How many light bulbs are replaced per household in a year?

Depends on what type and quality of light bulbs.

How many light bulbs can the sun power?

1.3 decilion light bulbs for a single second.

What has argon in it?

Many light bulbs.

How many crickets does a leopard gecko eat a day?

A baby leopard gecko will usually take well to just two or three 1/4" inch crickets a day. Once the animal is reaching adulthood, they do not require a feeding everyday. Four times a week is usually recommended for adult leopard geckos.