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I can only account for some 120,000, combined in several law enforcement agencies and a few not s- law enforcement.. like EPA, NIH, FDA..?

but, I know thta HUD allows officers that frequent the 'projects' to carry (and rightfully so). Now the Social Security Adm has ordered 174,000 rounds of .357 SIG ammunition.. and obviously it isn't for resale... so how many Federal employee CAN carry, with or without arrest authority ? I'm guessing another 15,00-25,000 are allowed to carry weapons.

No wonder the government in DC wants to disarm the citizens! We are surrounded by armed Federal employees! And we have no idea WHY they carry and how they are trained.

They fear that we will discover who is armed and prepare to defend ourselves.

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Q: How many non-military federal employees carry guns?
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Can federal employees carry guns?

Some can. Federal employees whose job duties involve law enforcement, corrections or security may, but not every Federal employee can carry a gun. For instance- the janitor at the Federal Office building is a Federal employee, and so is the FBI agent working there.

Do forensic accountants with the FBI carry guns?

FBI employees are not required to carry guns.

Do agents have guns?

If you mean federal agents such as FBI or CIA, yes, most active agents carry guns.

Will a federal firearms license let you take a loaded gun anywhere in the US?

No. A Federal Firearms License is a licence to engage in the business of selling guns, or to collect guns, or make guns, or import guns, or make ammunition, etc. It has no bearing on CARRYING a gun, which is regulated by STATE law. There is no FEDERAL law on carrying of firearms, except certain Federal property prohibits carry, and that a law enforcement officer may carry in any state. If someone tells you that have a Federal Concealed Carry permit, they are lying.

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Some law enforcement rangers may.

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The Australian Security Intelligence Organization does not carry guns because they have no police authority. They ares simply an investigative service, and if arrests are needed, they may coordinate with the Australian Federal Police.

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depends on where you are, and what the charge is. Frankly, you need a lawyer, not WikiAnswers. Violation of Federal guns laws in the US can carry up to 10 years in a Federal prison.

Can prison inmates carry guns?

No, prisoners are not allowed to carry guns or any weapons for that matter.

Why do woman carry guns?

Normally, for the same reason men carry guns. For self defense.

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