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About 2-5 million people die from drug each year all over the world.

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Q: How many people a year die from drug abuse in the us?
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a lot of young teens die because they are doing what their friends are dong and they don't want to be different so they do it to

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Deaths can be caused by the abuse of alcohol, not by the moderate consumption of it. No one knows how many people die from the abuse of alcohol each year.

About how much does drug abuse in the US cost each year?

484 billion

How many people since the year 2010 died from alcohol?

People do not die from alcohol, only from its abuse.

How many people die a year from illegeal drugs?

It is difficult to provide an exact number, but thousands of people die each year as a result of illegal drug use. The exact figure can vary depending on factors such as region, type of drug, and individual circumstances.

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There are about 15K people died per year in war drug.

How many people die from abusing the drug hydrocodone year?

The number of deaths specifically due to hydrocodone abuse can vary each year. However, hydrocodone abuse can contribute to the opioid epidemic, resulting in thousands of overdose deaths annually in the United States.

How many people die from taking dangerous drugs?

depends on how many people take that drug