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Q: How many people believed Noah when he warned them of the impending flood?
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Who warned utnapishtim of the great flood?

The god Enki warned Utnapishtim of the great flood that would destroy humanity. Enki secretly revealed the gods' plans to Utnapishtim, advising him to build an ark to save himself, his family, and various animals from the impending disaster.

When did Noah tell the people that it was going to rain?

Noah warned the people about the coming rain before the floods began, as he was instructed by God to build an ark to save himself, his family, and the animals from the impending flood.

Who is Utnapishtim?

Utnapishtum is a character in the ancient Sumerian "Epic of Gilgamesh." He tells the hero that the gods warned him of an impending disaster--a great flood--and so he built a boat to carry his family and all of his animals to safety. The "Epic of Gilgamesh" is regarded by scholars as the source for the Biblical story of Noah and the Flood.

How did the pharaoh make the Nile flood?

It was believed that the gods gave the pharaohs their powers to make the Nile flood for the farmers.

How are people warned of flooding?

Down by City Hall is a guy named Frank Ombune. He listens to the report from the National Weather Service, either on the internet, on the radio, or from TV, and when he finds out a flood is coming, he goes up on the roof and hollers,FLOOD COMING !!over and over and over again !!

Who survive the great flood of Gilgamesh?

Ea, a god, warned Utnapishtim of the flood. He told him to build a large ark and to fill it with every kind of animal, male and female. Utnapishtim, his family, and the animals remained on the boat until the flood was over. -Correction. They were warned, but warned to build a boat. The ark was built in the story of Noah's Ark. Also, only he, Utnapishism, and his wife were allowed to board the boat. No one else had entered. Don't worry, I'm not guessing this, this came straight out of a text book, so the information provided is pretty accurate. :)

Disadvantage of flood?

flood kill the people .

How does Deucalion compare to Noahs Ark?

Deucalion is basically the Noah in Greek Mythology, only he is warned by his father of a flood because of Zeus's anger at humanity, and he builds an ark and rides out the flood. Deucalion and his wife through rocks behind them and they turn into the first humans after the flood.

What were people not allowed to eat after the flood?

people were not allowed to eat blood after the flood

What were the people allowed to eat after the flood?

people were not allowed to eat blood after the flood

What is there when there is a flood?

People suffer and some get killed by a flood.

Does it flood in charleroi pa?

"the historical flood event of Nov. 5, 1985, which produced a river crest at Charleroi, Pa., 14.7 feet above flood stage." If the web is to be believed, it appears that it has in the past.