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Q: How many people have a poo every day?
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What superstitions do people believ in to day?

poo poo

Does wesley king eat horse poo?

yes every day yes every day yes every day

Does people do poo every day?

It is normal for most people to have a bowel movement once a day, but it can vary from person to person. Factors like diet, hydration, and individual metabolism can affect how often someone goes to the bathroom.

What was the iroqouis transportation?

they used feet and poo and they took buses every day.

How Many Times does a guinea pig poo a day?

im not quite sure but it could poo at least 30 times a day.

How many times do you poo a mouth?

It is recommended that most adults have bowel movements once or twice a day, but individual habits can vary. If you are experiencing significant changes in your bowel habits, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

Why are there so many questions with the answer poo-poo?

Because there are a lot of immature people in the world..

How much do rats poo and wee a day?

rats r very filled up a lot with food every day and make a very full stomach!! Sot rats in fact poo and wee a lot throughout the day!!!!!!!!!

How many people have a poo in the world?

All of them.

How many people are in the austrailan team?


How many chicken poo does chickens do in a day?

it depends on what they eat

How many times does Sean Kingston poo a day?