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That is approximately 100 pints

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Q: How many quarts of water do people use in the average 5 minute shower?
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How many quarts of water does a shower spray in a minute?

This is dependent on the shower head, pressure, and a number of other factors. However, if you look at shower heads at the store, they will usually say something like "3 GPM" or "1.8 GPM", meaning gallons per minute. Many of the newer shower heads that are energy efficient have a regulator on them to restrict the flow, and therefore the gallons per minute that the head uses.

How much water used in a ten minute shower in litres?

Can't say because this depends on the flow coming out of the shower head. If the flow is 1ltr per minute then in 10 minutes you will use 10 litres The average shower in the US flows at a rate of 7.9 liters per minute, or 2.1 gallons per minute. A ten minute shower would consume 79 liters or 21 gallons of water.

What uses more a bath or a ten minute shower?

It depends on how big your bath is, and how fast the water is running in the shower.An average bath uses between 30-50 gallons of water. An average four minute shower with an old shower head uses 20 gallons of water. With a low-flow shower head, you only use 10 gallons of water.So a shower is probably better. People who are interested in saving water would try to limit their shower time to four minutes. You don't need 10 minutes to wash yourself.

How much water does a quick shower use?

depends on how much you want, like i have 700 gallons.

How much time does the average American spend taking a bath?

On average, Americans spend around 8-10 minutes taking a bath. This can vary based on personal preferences and habits.

How much water flows from the shower head per minute?

An average flow rate cannot be determined as there are many different shower heads and each house in every country has different water pressure and not everyone may use full pressure when using a shower. But, approximately said that the average flow rate of shower water 2.5 gallons per minute at a water pressure of 80 pounds per square inch.

How many mililetrs are there in a shower?

There is no relationship between millilitres and a shower.You are possibly asking how much water does it take to shower, in that case- the average shower head discharges about 1.5 - 2 gallons of water per minute.

How much water is saved by taking a eight minute shower than a ten minute shower?

4 gallons if head delivers 2 gallons/minute

How much water is used in an average 7 min shower?

Modern shower heads are mandated to allow 2.5 gallons per minute through them. If it is an older shower head that could be up to 8 or 9 gpm. An easy test is get a five gallon bucket and let the shower run into it for a timed minute. You can measure up the side and see if fills about 1/2 of the bucket or not.

How many cups is in a water shower?

An average north American showerhead will allow about 2 gpm to flow. This is about 16 cups per minute.

How many gallons of water do humas use when they take a ten minute shower?

Most modern shower heads (U.S.) are restricted to 2.0 gallons a minute or less, so a ten minute shower would use approx. 20 gal.