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Q: How many planets does your galaxy have?
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How many planets and moons are in the Star Wars galaxy?

There are billions of planets and moons in the Star Wars galaxy.

How far is the galaxy from the planets?

The planets are part of the galaxy.

How many planets does the comet galaxy have?

It is not generally known how many planets are in each galaxy; it isn't even known how many planets are in our own galaxy, and will probably never be known exactly, due to its enormous size. However, according to latest observations, it seems likely that every star has several planets, at least on average.

How many planets are in solar system milky way?

There are trillion trillion planets in our galaxy

How many dwarf planets are there in the milky way galaxy?

It is not known. Scientists are still not sure how many dwarf planets are in the solar system or how many true planets are in the galaxy. If estimates from our solar system apply elsewhere, however, the number is probably in the trillions.

Which galaxy are the planets on?

Planets orbit stars, stars orbit a galaxy. Planets are not "on" anything. A lot of stars out there have planets - we are just finding out how many now that we have better techniques to find them. So probably all galaxies have at least some stars with planets.

How many moons Andromeda galaxy have?

It is not known. The Andromeda Galaxy contains about a trillion stars, many of which certainly have planets, though we don't know how many. Many of the planets likely have moons. All told, there are likely several hundred billion to several trillion moons in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Which galaxy are planets in?

It is possible that every galaxy has some planets. We just are starting to detect some planets in other galaxies.

How many planets does the galaxy have according to NASA estimations?

100 Billion

How many planets are in the Andromeda galaxy?

Astronomer's have not been able to count all the planets in the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is home to one-trillion stars. The Andromeda Galaxy is expected to collide with the Milky Way in the next 4.5-billion years.

Which galaxy are the planets in?

The planets we know of, some 300 now, are all in the Milky Way galaxy.

Are planets in a galaxy?

Planets are not necessarily in a galaxy but chances are very slim that in a galaxy that is not just newly forming there would not be any exoplanets.