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Planets orbit stars, stars orbit a galaxy. Planets are not "on" anything. A lot of stars out there have planets - we are just finding out how many now that we have better techniques to find them. So probably all galaxies have at least some stars with planets.

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Q: Which galaxy are the planets on?
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How far is the galaxy from the planets?

The planets are part of the galaxy.

Which galaxy are planets in?

It is possible that every galaxy has some planets. We just are starting to detect some planets in other galaxies.

Which galaxy are the planets in?

The planets we know of, some 300 now, are all in the Milky Way galaxy.

Are planets in a galaxy?

Planets are not necessarily in a galaxy but chances are very slim that in a galaxy that is not just newly forming there would not be any exoplanets.

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We expect the Andromeda galaxy to be just like our own Milky Way galaxy. We can see stars (suns) in the Andromeda Galaxy and just as stars have planets orbiting them in our galaxy, we believe that there must be planets also orbiting stars in the Andromeda galaxy.

Are there other visible planets that are not in our galaxy?

No. I don't believe any planets have been detected outside of our Galaxy. Within our Galaxy, planets are detected by inference not visual techniques. See link for lists of known extrasolar planets

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Does the whirlpool galaxy have planets?

As a matter of fact, yes. It has planets just like the Milky way galaxy.

What does the planet galaxy do?

The galaxy is not a planet. The galaxy is MADE of millions and millions of stars and planets.

Are there planets in the Andromeda Galaxy?

It is extremely likely, but we cannot yet find planets from that far away. All the planets we have found to date are in our own galaxy. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light years away whereas our galaxy is about 100,000 light years across.

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There are no known planets in any galaxy other than our own. While it is doubtless that other galaxies, including the cigar galaxy, contain planets they are much too far away fur us to detect them.