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The number depends on what will fill the outer shell. It can be 2 or 8.

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Q: How many valence electrons will make an element chemically stable?
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How many valence electrons will result in chemical stability for an atom?

An atom requires 8 valence electrons to be chemically stable. The elements with 8 valence electrons are the Noble Gases, and they are both stable and largely unreactive.

What element is stable with 2 valence electrons?


What element has a stable 2 valence electrons?


Is sulfur outer most shell stable?

No, sulfur has only 6 valence electrons. Atoms with 8 valence electrons are most stable and generally chemically inert.

Which noble gases are the most chemically stable?

Gases with eight valence electrons.

When is an element stable?

For an element to be stable, it must have a full outer shell (valence shell) of electrons. An element with a full outer shell of electrons will act like its nearest noble gas and be stable. Most elements require 8 valence electrons to be stable, however H needs 2.

What makes atoms have a stable electron configuration?

In order for an atom to be chemically stable it must have 8 valence electrons.

What rule is used to predict the number of electrons that must be lost or gained in order to achieve stability?

For doing so, firstly the electronic configuration of the element is written.Then it is seen how many electrons does the element has in its valence shell.The max. no. of electrons that can be present in the valence shell is 8. So, if the element has less than 4 electrons in the valence shell, then it looses them to form stable ion and if it has more than 4 electrons, it must gain 8-no. of valence electrons to form stable ion. If the element has 4 valence electrons, then it shares them with other atoms to form compounds.

Elements that have one valence electron tend to?

An element that has one valence electron tends to be more reactive, is able to form ions, and can become charged When an element has all eight valence electrons, they are more stable.

Have two valence electrons and get to a stable electron configuration by using two electrons?

an element with 2 valence electrons can obtain a stable electron configuration by "kicking out" two electrons to have the same electron config as the noble gas in the previous period

How many valence electron are needed for an atom to be stable?

It depends on the atom. List what element the atom is from.

How many valence electrons do stable atoms have?

A stable atom has 8 electrons in its outer most valence shell. A simple way to remember this is that all atoms want to be like the noble gases which all have 8 electrons (except helium but the reason is complicated and not necessary here)