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Check the Wisconsin State Statutes in Wisconsin for taxes on lottery winnings. It will give you the percentage.

Well that wouldn't be exactly true..the STATE (or Federal) tax laws may tell you what the required withholding on some income is, which is an estimate of tax FOR THAT jurisdicition, but not for all. And the withholding percentage has really little to do with the tax you will pay...that depends on many, many other factors - other deductions, other income, exemptions, how and when paid/received....etc. (For example, if your a gambler and have 1+ mill of would pay no tax on this income....although you may pay tax overall). And of course, if it is subject to other things, like FICA, unemploymen, disabiltity. etc., tht many consider tax, depends on a number of other things. And as an example, on the above whatever is paid eventually to that State as an income tax, becomes a deduction for Federal taxable income and changes the amount of tax one would owe them. So even the same person earning in Wisc would be taxed differently than say in Arizona, because of the different state tax rate.

2 people, even with the same income, infrequently pay the same tax.

A tax deduction of say one million dollars and earning of one million dollars does not mean you will not owe taxes

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