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More than a nibble will hurt a cat. Especially dark chocolate

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Q: How much chocolate does it take to hurt a cat?
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What do you do if your cat is hurt?

Take your cat to the vet immidiately.

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What can you give your cat hurt in a cat fight?

Well many things can hurt a cat. Although cats do have a very high tolerance to pain they do get hurt. It could be a thorn in the bushes or even another cat's scratch. Cats are much like children they will inevitably get hurt but you don't have to stress too much on it because they will lick the wound to heal it but it's better if you do clean it will an alcohol swab. But remember never use dettol ! It can be toxic for a cat.

How do you help a cat when its has chocolate in its system?

Take Them to the vet, They may be able to get the chocolate out of it's System.

What is the difference between a cat and chocolate?

A cat is a small, fluffy animal. Chocolate is delicious. A cat is not food-chocolate is.

How much does a york chocolate cat cost?

The cost of a York chocolate cat will depend on the breeder. The prices are not listed online. You will have to get in touch with a breeder in your area for the prices.

What is a York Chocolate Cat?

A York Chocolate Cat is an American breed of longhaired domestic cat.

Can hissing hurt a cat?

when your cat hiss does it hurt them

Is chocolate a cat?

The question doesn't make much sense, but you CAN get chocolate cats. The term Chocolate refers to a light/midtone brown colour of the fur.

My cat eats Chocolate is that natural?

Don't feed chocolate to your cat! Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine. Different types of chocolate contain different levels of Theobromine. If your cat ate a lot of chocolate your cat should see a vet.

Do the spines on a male penis hurt the female cat?

Yes. They hurt her immensely, which is why she screams during sex, but that is the way cats are made, and from what I have observed the female cat wants it as much as the male.

Should you feed a cat chocolate?

Chocolate can be lethal for cats. Although most cats won't eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. The toxic agent in chocolate is theobromine. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate