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More than they should.

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Q: How much does the average fat person weigh?
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How much does a average fat-tailed scorpion weigh?

20 grams

How do you know that im fat?

if you weigh more than average people weigh that means you are fat

How much fat does the average person in the UK eat?

The average person in the UK consumes approximately 85 grams of fat per day, which is slightly above the recommended daily intake. It is important to balance fat consumption with a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain overall health.

How much does a can of chewing tobacco weigh?

Chewing gum is considered indigestible and will not make a person fat. The average weight of chewed chewing gum is 2.7 grams.

How many pounds of fat does the average person carry around their stomach?

The answer to this question is never certain. First, what is average? If an average person is a normal sized person, then the fat is probably little. However, if we're talking about the national average, which is overweight, the fat around the stomach would be much greater.

How much should a 12 yer old weigh?

An average 12 year old of and average height should weigh around 12 stone. They are not overweight but are just growing out of their puppy fat.

How much should a 15 year old weigh?

If your an average guy and your not fat nor muscular, then around 140-150 is good. For a average girl, 80- 120 is what girls i know weigh.

Are you fat if you weigh 120.37 pounds and your 13 and are 5'7?

no, you are actually very skinny. the average weight for a 5'7 person is about 130 to 135.

What should a fat person weigh?

They should weigh the same as any person having the same height.

Is a fat person really fat?

It depends on your point of view. Lets say there are 3 people the thin the average and the fat the thin person would view the average & fat person obese the average person would view people heavier then he/she is as fat and the fat would view itself and people higher as fat. It really depends a point of view. Typically when people say "Oh she is extremely fat!" it typically means very obese in everyones view But if a thin person is talking to an average person and says " Oh she is extremely fat!" the average might assume its an obese person while the thin will view it as an average or an obese

Is 116 for a 12 year old girl fat?

That's how much on average 14 year olds weigh So no, not fat It depends on many variable like height ect.

How much did fat albert weigh?

Fat Albert is a cartoon character.