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Guinea pigs require at least 7ft sq if they're living by themselves, and at least 7.5ft sq in a pair, more than this would be better though. Upper levels do not count.

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Q: How much space should your guinea pig cage allow for each guinea pig?
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Do guinea pigs have the same cage as a hamster?

No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

How To Set Up A Guinea Pig's Cage?

You could get a C&C cage. It is the cheapest and gives your Guinea Pigs the minimum space required for them.

What is the best type of cage for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs (cavy) should be housed in a warm, dry environment; preferable be Indoors. Cage space is very important, you can have a Cubes and Corflute cage for indoor use. Cavies need at least 70 square centimeters of cage space or 7.5 square feet. This is the minimum requirement that is needed for a cavy.

What is the minimum amount of space a guinea pig needs to be able to run around freely?

One should allow about 7.5 square feet for a guinea pig to be able to run around freely. If a cage is bigger than that, it's all the better for the guinea pig as it will then have more room to run around.

Can hampers and Guinea pigs live in the same cage?

No, these animals should not live in the same confined space. this could cause harm to either the guinea pig or the hampster.

What size should a guinea pig cage be?

For two guinea pigs you need at least 7.5 feet of cage.

Should you take your guinea pig out of your cage and create space for him or her to run around in?

yes so it has more freedom to rome around

Should you get a small cage for your guinea pig or a big cage?

If i were you i would get a big cage so the guinea pig can run around Good luck with your piggie I have a big cage that holds 2 guinea pigs and they chase each other around the whole cage!!!

Would it be ok for 2 guinea pigs to be in a cage that is 42x28?

It's a little small, but guinea pigs don't actually need very much space. Two guinea pigs should be fine, as long as they are both females.

Should you clean the guinea pig cage out after the birth?

Yes because there is the after birth from the guinea pig

How should you take your guinea pig to the vet?

You should just put it in a cage.

Can a female guinea pig be in the same cage with a female dwarf rabbit?

Lots of people say rabbits can be kept in the same cage as guinea pigs but it's very dangerous and should never happen. Even if your rabbit is friendly or just a bunny the guinea pig will get bullied. This will also lead to lack of the space and the guinea pig may be stepped on or crowded in the cage. Rabbits need a bigger cage, a bigger run and different medicine and vaccinations which affects the guinea pigs well being. If you are looking for a partner for your piggy try another lonely female or a neutered male. But guinea pigs should always be kept with another guinea pig and no rabbits!