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There are many different kinds of eating disorders and they will each affect the sufferer in different ways. However, from personal experience and knowledge I can safely say that the suffering is indescribable and horrific, and anyone suffering from an ED should seek professional help. The suffering is too immense to go it alone, in my opinion.

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Q: How much suffering will the person have to endure from eating disorders?
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Who else. Could eating disorders effect?

Aside from the sufferer, eating disorders can affect family and friends, who struggle to understand the causes and symptoms they are suffering. Eating disorders can make a person very stressed and angry, therefore this can put a huge strain on their relationships with the people around them.

What causes a person to form an eating disorders?

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How can you help someone suffering from an eating disorder?

Just let them know that you love them and that you are there for them no matter what. Never get angry or yell at the person, they are just as frustrated as you are. Read about eating disorders so you can better understand them. It will make being supportive a lot easier.

What is eating diorders?

An eating disorder is a psychological disorder in which the person has disturbed or abnormal eating habits. Anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders.

How can the law prevent eating disorders?

There is no way to prevent an Eating Disorder. It is often in a person's chemical make-up to have an Eating Disorder. There are many things that you can do to help prevent Eating Disorders, but there is nothing that can absolutely prevent it.

What is buliamarexia?

Presumably when you say "buliamarexia" you are referring to Bulimia and Anorexia These are two common eating disorders and are not a single item. Anorexia nervosa (anorexia) is commonly where the person suffering from this disorder does not eat. Bulimia nervosa (bulimia) is commonly where the person suffering from this disorder overeats (eats a lot) and then purges themselves (makes themselves sick).

Where can I learn more about eating disorders online?

A good website is There you will find information about various eating disorders. Anorexia is an abnormal perception that one's body is fat. Bulimia is similar but instead of not eating the person forces themselves to throw up all the food. There are other disorders in which a person compulsively overeats.

What eating disorder causes the person to stay thin?

Bulimia and Anorexia are eating disorders that often result in weight loss.

Can a person have a combination of both eating disorders?

Yes, there are people who have both Bulimia and Anorexia.

Person with eating disorders can see themselves as thay really are is true or false?


What are some treatments for anorexia and bulimia?

Treatment takes more than a year because eating disorders have a psychological effect on a person. Therapy is the best way but not the only way Can get Therapy- (cognitive, behavorial, family, and group therapy) Encourage an anorexic friend or family member to get treatment Be a good role model Help person who is suffering by helping them listen, trust and accept themselves as well as love themselves National Eating Disorders Association is there to help as well. You can give them a call to get treated for eating diorders

Looking at natural sources and treatments are there eating disorder treatments that can be found?

Looking at natural sources and treatments, I am not aware of anything specifically that isused to treat eating disorders. This is a disorder that is extremely difficult to control, but there are treatment centres where the person suffering the disorder can go for a period of time to be cared and supervised by professionals.