

How much time does a puppy need with her mother?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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6y ago

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In Norway, we have to wait 2 months before we can take home a puppy.

In the US, the puppies should stay with their mother for at least 8 weeks, or until they are weaned, whichever comes first.

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Q: How much time does a puppy need with her mother?
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How does a 4 week old puppy survive without the mother?

No, the mother will instinctively tend to the pups for the appropriate length of time and will gradually spend less and less time with them until they are weaned. yes, wait for 5 weeks good time to depart

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If the puppy's mother is present, you do not need to feed the puppy anything, except to have water available. Eventually, the mother will show the pup how to eat dog food. If the mother is gone, your veterinarian can recommend a formula for puppies that would better meet the nutritional needs than milk from cows.

When is the best time to take the puppy from it's mother?

The best time to remove a puppy from its mother is once it is weaned. A puppy should remain with the litter until at least six weeks old, preferably eight weeks old. The longer it is on mother's milk, the healthier it will be but it may be better if you get it earlier because if it remembers its family it can die earlier from depression

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It is the same for all puppies. Don't take a puppy away from it's mother until it is 8 weeks old. It needs time to learn from it's mother.

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The best time would be when your puppy is about 4 or 5 weeks old, or until the puppy is old enough to be away from its mother.

Can a puppy live is mom at 7 week old?

Yes, but the owner has to be with the puppy almost all the time. If the puppy is not weaned (doesn't drink mother's milk), you'll need to buy some puppy formula (all pet stores should carry this). DO NOT GIVE THEM COW'S MILK! Their diet needs to stay as close to possible as what it was before. Also, you might want to start potty training . . . .

Why does your puppy bite you all the time?

puppies need to be trained when they leave their playmates

How old should a puppy be before up separate it from its mother?

10-12 weeks. Around the time that it stops nursing.

New born Puppy is not growing?

it need plenty of time to grow just wait.

How soon can you remove the puppy from it's mother?

Once a puppy is 6-10 weeks old, you may remove it from its mother. Because by that time, they will be weaning off of the mothers breast milk, and be able to eat on their own. So I'm telling you, 6-10 weeks.

What kind of dog products does a first time puppy owner need?

A first time puppy owner will need to purchase a number of dog products for the new member of their family. These would include eating and drinking bowls, a lead, a collar, food and some toys.