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It varies as different tornadoes move at different speeds. The average tornado, however, moves at about 30 mph. At this speed a tornado would travel a mile in two minutes. Some slow moving tornadoes may move at 10 mph or less. At 10 mph a tornado would travel a mile in six minutes. Some of the fastest-moving tornadoes have traveled at 70 mph. At this speed a tornado would move a mile in just over 50 seconds.

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Q: How much time does it take for a tornado to pass in one mile?
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How long would it take for a tornado to move 1 mile?

It depends on how fast the tornado is moving, which varies. An average tornado moves at about 30 mph, so it would take 2 minutes to travel a mile. The fastest a tornado has ever been known to travel was 73 mph, in which case it would travel a mile in about 50 seconds. At the other end, some tornadoes barely move at all.

How much area does a tornado take?

It depends on the tornado. Tornadoes vary greatly in both size and in how far they travel. A typical tornado is 50 to 100 yards wide and travels a mile or two, so the area affected is quite small. The very largest tornadoes can be well over a mile wide and the longest-lasting can travel a couple hundred miles.

How much area does a tornado take up?

it depends on how strong the tornado is the stronger it is the bigger it will be

How long does it take for a tornado to go through a town?

That depends on the size of the town and how fast the tornado is traveling. The average tornado travels at about 30 mph, so it takes two minutes to travel a mile. However, some tornadoes barely move along while some travel at over 60 mph (a mile every minute).

What steps do you take for tornado?

The preferred course of action, in the case of a tornado, is to get into your basement or storm cellar. You are much safer underground.

Where did the longest tornado take place?

The longest-lasting and farthest traveling tornado was the Tri-State tornado of 1925. This tornado tore a 219-mile-long path of devastation from near Ellington, Missouri, across southern Illinois, to near Petersburg, Indiana. Numerous towns in between were hit. Several were completely destroyed.

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there are 63,360 inches in a mileand it makes me smile when i pass my science test

How much time does it take a tornado to complete its destruction in any one place?

depending on the severity of the tornado, the destruction could last from seconds to minutes. the larger the tornado, the more damage it will do. the closer to the center, the stronger the winds

What was the most dangerous tornado?

The would probably by the Tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925. This tornado was a mile wide and reached F5 intensity, the highest level on the Fujita scale. The low cloud base made this tornado difficult to identify, and at time it traveled at over 70 mph, giving people little time to take cover.