

Best Answer


Stop listening to stoners on the net about such matters


Neither vinegar nor cranberry juice nor bleach nor any other homemade remedy can be relied upon to clean out your system. See the Related Link below.

Not correct answers. Do not drink bleach, that's nuts. Niacin is too dangerous. Apple cider vinegar will work and has worked for me for 4 years. I don't know if it cleans your system but I do know that the chemicals on the litmus paper cannot attach to the THC molecule if vinegar is present in certain amounts. That's why the line remains after the urine passes over it. Up to now, there has not been a way for testers to counteract this except to say "the specimen looks diluted," which, of course, it is. Water alone will not do it for sure since THC is not water soluble. The best way to trick the test is to stop smoking no less than 3 days before the test (more is always better). Using a standard size bottle of apple cider vinegar, consume 1/4 of the bottle diluted with water in one shot, two nights before the test. repeat this again the night before. The day of the test, avoid eating if possible. ( this is difficult if your test is in the afternoon) Consume the remaining amount of vinegar (you can stretch this out over a 3 or 4 hour period, two cap fulls per 4 oz of water). The important thing is to consume a large amount of water 2 hours before the test (1 glass every 15 minutes.) You should have clear urine by this time. This works with standard litmus tests, usually done onsite in your presence. I cannot attest to any other form of testing such at microscopic analysis or hair. This has worked for me for four years now. Does this sound like the blathering of a "stoner?" If you don't believe me, go purchase a home test kit from CVS or Walgreens. Follow the steps and take your own test. You will see a line. Remember that too much water can hurt you so be careful. I never got sick from the vinegar but did from too much water intake. Its the water that causes the headache and yes, you will have a bit of diarrhea. A little Advil, (or aspirin) and a healthy meal afterwards kills any side affects. Smoking anytime during the 3 day period will more than likely destroy anything you have done to avoid failing.

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Q: How much vinegar do you drink to pass a drug test?
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well i hope nobody tells you, why do you need to take a drug test anyway?!?!?!

Can you drink vinger 12 hours berfore a test and pass?

No you can not pass a drug test by drinking vinegar. You can however make a salad.

When to drink vinegar to clean your system before a drug test?

You should drink vinegar at beginning at least five days before your drug test to clean your system according to many websites. There is no real evidence that drinking vinegar will allow you to pass a drug test if you have taken illegal drugs.

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Milk will not help you pass a drug test.

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Gotta drink your weight dude

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5 gallons, it helped me pass.......

How do vinegar and water help to pass a drug test?

They do not.

How do you use vinegar to pass a drug test?

There is a myth that drinking vinegar helps you pass your drug test. I tryed and I never pass, so form my personal experience I can say this is really stupid.

How much water do you need to drink to pass a drug screen methadone?

About a gallon or 2

If you drink ice tea can you pass a drug test in two days?

If i drink ice tea i can pass a drug test in two days. I can also pass a drug test now.

How much Mountain Dew do you have to drink to clear you system for drug tests?

You can drink as much as you want,but it won't work.My advice to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.It takes at least 30 days for weed to get out of your system.