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Few quarter.

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Q: How much water can an adult lose through urine in one day?
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Related questions

Explain the sources of water gain and loss in the body?

You lose water through urine, feces and perspiration (sweating). You gain water by eating, drinking and metabolic generation.

What are two routes through which humans lose sodium?

Through sweat and urine.

How do you lose water on a hot day?

By the production urine and sweating

What 3 ways can you lose water from your body?

Urine sweat spitting

How the body lose water?

Sweat, urine, faeces, spit etc.

What is the grey dot on top of the chicken feces?

Uric acid. As chickens do not urinate they process the urine through the same exit as their feces. The gray/white stuff is the result. This way they do not lose water by passing urine.

What are different ways for water to leave your body?

Waste, skin, breathing, it comes out of every part of the surface of your body.

Why do you need a good amount of water in your body?

To replace what you lose: through sweat, as well as urine (since water is needed in order to dilute wastes being excreted from the body) and other losses, also.

Do plants lose water to air through photosynthesis?

No, plants lose water to the air through a process known as transpiration.

How much water does the body lose a day through sweat urine and exhalation?

Everyone should drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.^| who's a bad ass, its 5-6 pints........JMo xD

The process through which bodies of water lose water?


What is the most way to lose water from the body?

There are 3 main ways that a person's body loses water. These 3 ways are, urine, sweating, and feces. You can also lose water from crying and spitting.